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Our Services

Used Car Consultation

Get the help you need from SteerEasy when buying a used car. Our used car consultation provides customers with the information they need to make an informed decision. We can answer any questions you have related to purchasing a used car, from what to look for when inspecting the car to understanding the paperwork involved in the process. Let us guide you on your journey to finding the perfect used car.

Vehicle Inspection

At SteerEasy, our comprehensive 160+ point vehicle inspection will give you the detailed information you need to make an informed decision on the vehicle you're looking for. Our experts will check all the components of the vehicle to make sure everything is in working order and provide you with an estimate for any necessary refurbishment, as well as a pricing estimate. Get the peace of mind you need with SteerEasy’s vehicle inspection.

Enquire Now

Phone: +91 8069 067 334

Missed Call: 022 489 33 499

WhatsApp: +91 86577 58360

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